To those in the mainstream media and their handlers, an "anti-racist" is a person more or less beyond criticism - a knight in shining armor fighting for equality and fairness. Tim Wise is one of these self-proclaimed "anti-racist activists" who spoke at University of Idaho in October.

This humble reporter is a little smarter than that. We at THE NORTHWEST ALTERNATIVE are very familiar with Tim Wise and his ilk: simple hucksters who earn their living by droning far-left platitudes at innocent students, whilst they travel campus to campus. Invited by university bureaucrats - of course - and paid for with the students' money - of course!
While there may be an honest few amongst the bunch, the majority of these so called activists spout the same hateful, pseudo-communist drivel that has been rampant at universities since the 70s: the successful must be brought down, white people (European-Americans) must be brought down, the white male (Evil-American) must be brought down, and then we will have equality and peace. The failings of the unsuccessful are not their fault, but the product of a "racist system" which seeks to oppress them - etc, etc.
With that in mind, and with the help of YOUTH FOR WESTERN CIVILIZATION's branch at Washington State University, we decided to stage a small protest outside of Mr. Wise's speech. U Idaho engineering student Alex Rowson printed up flyers detailing some of Mr. Wise's hateful writings, and included a question of his own - if Mr. Wise is an activist against racism, why does he support "affirmative action", a system designed to reward "minority" races at the expense of European-Americans?
Mr. Rowson positioned himself by the door and managed to hand flyers to almost every entrant. The reactions from students, with a handful of exceptions, were positive or polite. Interestingly, the older members of the audience were the most hostile.
The U Idaho "Director of Human Rights, Access and Inclusion", Carmen Suarez, who was present, went so far as to call the young student activist "evil" and "everything that's wrong in America".
Tim Wise's speech was more or less as expected. He praised the National Council of "La Raza" (The Race, aka The Hispanic Race), an ethnocentric organization if there ever was one, while claiming that a hidden, secretive system of white ethnocentrism was responsible for low graduation and high crime rates amongst minorities. He stated that every strip of American ground was stolen, the Christian church is a tool of genocide, white people loved welfare until brown people started using it, etc. He suggested that since Tea Party types did not support legalized drugs and open borders, they only wanted a selfish government "for themselves" (presumably conservative white people); and that our past is so evil and awful that anyone looking back with nostalgia on the pre-60s era is probably a racist.
When questioned on the affirmative action issue, Mr. Wise evaded the issue by claiming that there is "barely any" affirmative action in this country anymore. But whether called "quotas", "disparate impact lawsuits", "minority mortgages", "support structures for minorities", "disadvantaged business programs", or other leftist newspeak terms, they all boil down to the same thing: the money of the American people is being used to support non-European-Americans at the expense of European-Americans. For all the talk about white racist power structures, can Mr. Wise provide proof of anything concrete beyond his paranoid fantasies?
To be fair, Mr. Wise did make clear that he was a "leftist, not a liberal", and "anti-capitalist" to boot. Fine; he has the right to free speech like all Americans. But who asked the student body, whose money is supporting Mr. Wise? The speech seems to have been a requirement for a Sociology class, "403 WS: Tim Wise: Racism and White Privilege" - why is the university system forcing students to listen to this hateful, destructive garbage?
We can't blame individuals like Mr. Wise and "Director of Human Rights, Access and Inclusion" Suarez for being hostile to conservative politics, since their careers and salaries depend completely on the stranglehold of liberal dogma. What we can do is reveal that people like them are irrelevant - since we, the youth, truly control the future.
ReplyDeleteWhat a racist bigot.
Really? I was there for Tim Wise's speech at UI, and you seem to have selectively listened to what you wanted to hear and ignored the rest entirely. You can't take words from Wise and just cut out what you want like, "the Christian church is a tool of genocide." It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that you are just twisting words are dumbing down ideas to make them fit to your own agenda of making Tim Wise look like a monster. Also, Tim Wise did not "evade" any questions. The best part of the night was when Wise put Rowson in his place, and the entire room applauded and cheered. Rowson is free to his own opinions and should be free to debate them, but just like Wise told him, he needs to know his facts and stop spouting half-assed concepts. Do your homework Mr. Rowson.
ReplyDeleteOh, and please don't call this a newspaper if all you're going to post is opinion pieces.